There was a problem with your submission: 3d secure authentication is required for your payment

This message is completely irritating customers

“There was a problem with your submission: 3d secure authentication is required for your payment”

The message shows up before(!) the 3ds secure layer shows up. As this layer needs some seconds to load, customers are irritated and stop the payment process. That happened several times and customers complained.

There should be NO error message, before the credit card payment process has been finished.

This topic has been described already by someone else, but the Gravity forms support staff completely misunderstood the issue (They thought it is payment related buying gravity forms; This is not the case. It is stripe plugin related).

I recommend opening a support ticket for the issue if you have not already, so that we can address your specific situation:

Thank you.

Was there any resolution to this? We are getting the same error, Stripe is saying “Your card was declined. This transaction requires authentication.”

We can’t seem to make the system use 3DS. I’d submit a ticket as described, but as there will be plenty of people with the same issue, perhaps it’s easier to just post a solution on here?

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