I had a gravity form built with a nested form. The nested form is a pop-up and most people have a pop up blocker on their computers/web browsers. I decided to try to make a single form for student registration. It all works BUT if I used conditional logic to hide student #2 information and Student #3 information, the payment button is missing. If I remove the conditional logic on the sections, the payment button shows up but doesn’t function. I have the payment enabled on the form. I have this script below:
I would rather keep the nested form but clients are not signing up because of the pop up issue. I do not have time to walk each signup through turning off their pop up.
However, I need to get something working here so I don’t lose money. Easy way for people to sign up and pay without all these continuous problems.
Fields that follow a Section field, up to the next Section or Page field, are impacted by its conditional logic. Try adding another Section field between the last field in the student #3 section and the payment add-on field.
Hey @cgraves, have you reached out to our (Gravity Wiz) support about this? We haven’t seen any reports of Nested Forms modal being blocked by a popup blocker. We’d be happy to dig in.
I have asked for help in the past for many problems with Gravity Forms and all I get in the way of support is to do the things I’ve already done with a condescending tone. I am not pleased with the product OR their support and do not recommend it to anyone.
Just to make sure we’re on the same page, I’m the founder of Gravity Wiz which is a separate company from Gravity Forms. We make add-ons for Gravity Forms and we’re the shop behind Nested Forms.
Please do submit a support ticket with us as we’re eager to dig in to your report that the Nested Forms modal is getting blocked as a popup. We haven’t had any other reports of this but if you can help us recreate it, we’ll work hard to find a solution.
If you have your pop up blocker OFF the nested form works which is the one we are using now.
The testing page form does not have a pop up. when you arrive there it has parent information to be filled in and student #1 information to be filled in only. It has a submit button which essentially does nothing but register people but doesn’t let them pay. If you select 3 children then you see the payment button but it doesn’t work properly.