I had a gravity form built with a nested form. The nested form is a pop-up and most people have a pop up blocker on their computers/web browsers. I decided to try to make a single form for student registration. It all works BUT if I used conditional logic to hide student #2 information and Student #3 information, the payment button is missing. If I remove the conditional logic on the sections, the payment button shows up but doesn’t function. I have the payment enabled on the form. I have this script below:
I would rather keep the nested form but clients are not signing up because of the pop up issue. I do not have time to walk each signup through turning off their pop up.
However, I need to get something working here so I don’t lose money. Easy way for people to sign up and pay without all these continuous problems.
Thank you.
Website testing page: Testing123 | Bloom Homeschool Support Services