I have three separate forms constructed using gravity forms: 1) Customer Record, completed by the general public user; 2) Dealer Record, completed by a vehicle Dealer; 3) Vehicle Record, completed by either the Customer or Dealer depending on the type of transaction. I have several pdf government forms that I used pdfFillable to create templates of with the expectation of mapping the fields of the three submittal forms (Customer, Dealer, Vehicle) to the respective fields on the templates. The template fields would be role dependent, i.e. Customer’s entries would display in the Seller fields and the Dealer’s entries would display in the Buyer’s fields of the template, and vice versa, depending on whose buying or selling the vehicle in this particular transaction. Some of the templates collect information from more than 1 transaction. For example, on one template, Customer sells to Dealer and it’s recorded on the top half of the template (Customer entries in the seller fields, Dealer entries in the buyer fields). Some future time, I would like to recall this template and complete the template’s second section where the Customer now is the buyer and the dealer is the seller (new customer entries in the new section’s buyer fields and same Dealer’s stored entries applied to the seller fields). I’ve learned this is not possible using only pdfFillable since templates cannot be edited or added onto once created, only filled from mapped form entries. I’ve made multiple templates, each with a corresponding feed setup from a particular form based on the user role at submission, but I still cannot figure out how to dynamically assign (map) fields with respect to the user’s role (seller, buyer) onto the same template. Will Gravity Perks plugin enable this goal? Thanks in advance for any guidance.
To achieve this particular task, I think you’re going to need to use both Populate Anything and Nested Forms by Gravity Wiz to collect all the information you need to populate your fillable PDF.
With Nested Forms, you can, as the name suggests, include a form within another form and collect multiple entries with it. You’ll want to have one central form that nests the other two within it.
Then, with Populate Anything, you could reference an entry from one of those forms through a lookup to have the data be dynamically populated in.
Fillable PDFs has native support for Nested Forms, so you’ll be able to directly map the Nested Forms fields to your PDF fields. Also, you can replace the file used for a template at any time, that way you don’t have to re-map a feed any time there’s a slight change in your base PDF.
I hope this advice helps!
Thank you Travis for your response! Since I’m a newbie I’d better watch a few more videos before tackling nested forms. I used the links you included in your email and I believe I need a more basic understanding of how all things work together. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! Be Safe!!
Hi Kemper,
If you have any questions or need any clarification on how you can use Nested Forms for your use case, you can get in touch with us on our website. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and assist you.
Thank you Samuel- plan on ordering the perks this weekend- may have questions next week- thanks again for taking the time to respond!