I want help for Multi Page Form Conditional Logic

Hello Community Member,

I am working on a multi page form and need some assistance with configuring conditional logic. My goal is to show or hide certain fields based on user inputs in previous pages; I have set up the basic structure but I am running into issues where some fields either do not show up as expected or appear on the wrong pages.

I have set up conditional logic for these fields, but they do not seem to be responding the way I intended. I have double checked the field IDs & conditions and everything looks correct on paper.

Also i have read this resorse/artical;https://community.gravityforms.com/t/conditional-logic-hides-form-in-elementor-pop-upcpq-interview-quesbut have not found any solution still need your advice. if you have any advice please share with me it would be greatly appreciated!!

My last question is Has anyone facing a similar issue or have suggestions on what I might be missing?

Thank you for your help… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hi Mark,

It will be easier to debug the conditional logic issue if you can share the export file of your form and provide details about which fields you are having issues with. I can try to replicate it at my and provide you with a solution.

If the URL where you have your form is public then sharing it also will help in further debugging.