I have a from with multiple pages which are connected by conditional logic. Everything works well, except when i click the Previous button several times and then click on a different radio choice, the gravity form still goes to the old (wrong) page.
I already switched to the default Twentytwentythree theme
I turned off all of the other plugins
I checked all of the conditional logic fields, everything seems to be ok
I’m working with the most recent versions of WP 6.3.2 & GF 2.7.16.
I tried the shortcode with and without ajax
I tried also this script:
function enqueue_custom_gform_script() {
wp_add_inline_script( ‘gform_gravityforms’, ‘gform.addFilter(“gform_reset_pre_conditional_logic_field_action”, function (reset, formId, targetId, defaultValues, isInit) {
return reset;
});’ );
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘enqueue_custom_gform_script’, 11 );
Neither of these tests working to the expected value.