Multipage form Conditional logic goes to wrong page after hitting Previous button

I have a from with multiple pages which are connected by conditional logic. Everything works well, except when i click the Previous button several times and then click on a different radio choice, the gravity form still goes to the old (wrong) page.

I already switched to the default Twentytwentythree theme
I turned off all of the other plugins
I checked all of the conditional logic fields, everything seems to be ok
I’m working with the most recent versions of WP 6.3.2 & GF 2.7.16.
I tried the shortcode with and without ajax

I tried also this script:
function enqueue_custom_gform_script() {
wp_add_inline_script( ‘gform_gravityforms’, ‘gform.addFilter(“gform_reset_pre_conditional_logic_field_action”, function (reset, formId, targetId, defaultValues, isInit) {
return reset;
});’ );
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘enqueue_custom_gform_script’, 11 );

Neither of these tests working to the expected value.

Issues like this can be caused by nested conditional logic, which is not officially supported. See the following page of the documentation:

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