Why doesn't Gravity Forms support modern form elements?

I was just thinking the same thing (Seems that development has really slowed down). I was very happy when the advanced post creation add on was created, but its been a year, and still no edit interface… Also, still waiting on that UI for the repeater fields… It’s been in beta for over a year if I’m not mistaken! When will we get a UI?

To me, it doesn’t seem that the Gravity Forms folks truly care about what their customers want? Exhibit A: the 500 feature request backlog. I wonder how many of these feature requests are actually completed a year? I’m not trying to be nasty, just venting a bit.

I also really wish that you all would publish a roadmap. I feel that I have no idea of the direction Gravity Forms is headed, which does make me want to look at other Forms solutions to see what is out there. I’m not ready to jump ship yet, I really like Gravity Forms, it is just disheartening. I wish you all would up your customer service/focus game.

With that said, thank you for the great tool and happy new year!

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