Why doesn't Gravity Forms support modern form elements?

I was just thinking the same thing (Seems that development has really slowed down). I was very happy when the advanced post creation add on was created, but its been a year, and still no edit interface… Also, still waiting on that UI for the repeater fields… It’s been in beta for over a year if I’m not mistaken! When will we get a UI?

To me, it doesn’t seem that the Gravity Forms folks truly care about what their customers want? Exhibit A: the 500 feature request backlog. I wonder how many of these feature requests are actually completed a year? I’m not trying to be nasty, just venting a bit.

I also really wish that you all would publish a roadmap. I feel that I have no idea of the direction Gravity Forms is headed, which does make me want to look at other Forms solutions to see what is out there. I’m not ready to jump ship yet, I really like Gravity Forms, it is just disheartening. I wish you all would up your customer service/focus game.

With that said, thank you for the great tool and happy new year!

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@TEKFused I shared your feedback with the development team. Thank you.

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You have my vote for this. How to get it higher on the roadmap? Give it a heart icon click?

I use Graviory forms for half a year now. I also was surpriced modern elements are not in like slider, toggle, stepper?

Also UI like metro design or the stuff that competitors have like material or bootstrap design or conversational forms like Typeform (see https://wpforms.com/addons/conversational-forms-addon/ is showing gravity forms is getting behind.

Also calculations are basic and for complicated forms itslows dona forms, I see now (after building 5 weeks). Chris suggestion is to make cascading forms and pass the entered data to each next form wich make me also unhappy).

My perception upfront was that I was going for the form solution thats best in class. maybe it is on the security level as stated in one of the last replies of this tread, buts its certainly not on the features level. The ecosystem of plugins looks great but is expensive, slows down speed with all extra javascript and is risky as @preston stated here.


I have been a client for some time and I too am frustrated with the lack of innovation on the UI/UX of GravityForms. I have waited years for thoughtful, cutting edge enhancements to the sam ol’ form builder from 199__! It can’t all be about security and no design. Every form I add to a new website has to be customized and it takes FOREVER. Take a look around you, Typeform (eating your lunch), Google Material design, wake up people. I don’t want to give you too much on your plate here but this needs to be priority #1. Pull your head out. PS: We don’t care about how many 500 tickets you have stashed under your desk, we care about you listening to us to help make you better. Take a note from Divi these guys run circles around you. Maybe you need to fire some people or hire a fire starter? As soon as a better option comes out, I will jump off this sinking ship.


I hope you prove us wrong!

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Wow, what a disappointing response! The lack of significance is unsettling. Please do the community forum a favor and find someone else to write your destitute responses. Let me help you sir: We don’t care about your problems, we care how well you listen to our problems and how well you take action. Keep your dissertation to your self. Maybe that Dan Price pay bump got to your head. :rage:


I am closing this thread because it is no longer constructive and is straying from our community guidelines (Ex. Does your reply improve the conversation in some way? Be kind to your fellow community members. Constructive criticism is welcome, but criticize ideas, not people, etc.). Please keep the community rules in mind before posting or replying to a thread. If you have any specific feature requests feel free to create a new post in the forum.