Gravity Form Widget in Elementor

Hi! I need help. How can I add the gravity form widget in Elementor? It doesn´t appears me in Elementor. Can you please help me?

I recommend contacting Elementor for assistance with that. Thank you.

Hi @ehelmbrecht,

Gravityforms does not have a native elementor widget. You need to either use a shortcode widget and embed the form via shortcode, or use a plugin that embeds the form for you. If you embed the form using the shortcode widget, you will need to manually style it with CSS, using the Advanced Tab.

I have created a feature request for this here

I am respectfully, highly confused by your reply. As one of the leaders in visual builders, I’m not clear on 1) why GF doesn’t have a direct integration and 2) being that it doesn’t, why the approach is to pass the responsibility instead of offering a solution to a paying client seeking support? And perhaps your response lands particularly hard for me being that I too, as a new elite license owner, and admitted web novice, am not finding an easy way of accomplishing my goal.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. To date, we have not built widgets for any of the page builders (they generally do that themselves) but that’s not to say that we would not. I recommend opening a request here and sharing your thoughts:

Click the :heavy_plus_sign: in the lower left to suggest a new feature. If approved and planned, it will be added to the roadmap. I don’t see it under Planned right now, so it is worthwhile to request it there so we can gauge interest. Thank you.

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It looks like this plugin offers a Gravity Forms widget (#10 in the list):


Big +1 for the Essential Addons plugin for styling Gravity Forms. I was able to create a new form, drop it onto my site, style it, annnnd QA the confirmation notifications in 20 minutes thanks to this buddy. Solid rec & I originally found it via this thread. Thanks!