I’ve noticed my multistep forms stopped working on Safari(Desktop) and mobile devices. They work on Chrome. I’ve tried different things, but nothing seems to work. I think that the issue is AJAX.
I created an example page with two forms. First one was created using this shortcode: [gravityform id=“4” ajax=“true” title=“false” description=“false” ] and the second one was created using this shortcode: [gravityform id=“1” ajax=“false” title=“false” description=“false” ]. After multiple tests, I noticed that the first one with ajax=“true” doesn’t work and the second one with ajax=“false” does. Does this have anything to do with the new update? I would like to know how to fix it.
Hi Sina. I recommend opening a support ticket for this issue, so we can figure out exactly what is going on: Support | Gravity Forms
Thank you.