Reservations Ad On?

I need to be able to set up a reservation system with similar functionality to reserving a table at a restaurant. Is there a good method or ad-on anyone would recommend for that? I found gAppointments on Code Canyon but I’m trying to determine if it will integrate well with Gravity forms. Just thought I’d see if anyone here had any insights on it? Thanks!

gAppointments will integrate with Gravity Forms. That is a third party add-on though and any incompatibility would need to be addressed with the plugin author, if that does not work for you. I’m not aware of any other plugins, but I will leave this topic open in case someone else has relevant experience to share. Thank you.

Thank you Chris! I also found Simply Schedule Appointments. Any recommendations or shared experiences would be appreciated. Thanks!

Here’s a link for that one - had not seen it before. Thank you.