Please help me populate a form with formula based on contents of another field and radio button [RESOLVED]

Hello! Thank you in advance for your assistance!
I am developing a release/consent form that can be signed either by a healthcare client or a parent/guardian.
What i’m trying to do is use formula, mergetags, etc, (whatever works best) to populate a hidden field called “Person Signing Forms” with either the client name or the parent/guardian name depending on whether parent/guardian or client is selected in the “Who is completing this form?”
Basically I want all the signer name fields to use the client’s name unless the parent/guardian radio button is checked.
What is the easiest way to accomplish this? Thank you!

Does this perk look like it might be able to meet the need you have? If so, it’s probably the easiest way to get this done.

I did purchase the perk but can’t quite figure out how to configure it to pull from the current form entries correctly. I looked through the documentation. Any suggestions?

I suggest contacting Gravity Wiz support, now that you have the perk. Their support is really good and I’m sure they’ll be able to help you out.


Hey Justin, looks like you took Chris’ advice and submitted a ticket with us. Looking forward to continuing to work with you there!