I have added the new Add-On and activated it. I added my V3 Keys and it seems to accept them. However in the ReCaptcha settings with GF 2.9.3 it still says “Please note, only v2 keys are supported”. This is confusing. Does this mean my V3 keys won’t really work. Is this just a mistake and needs to be updated when you activate the add-on or am I misunderstanding the messaging?
When using v3, you should also delete the Captcha field from your forms. It does not use a field, it just uses a script, which is automatically included.
OK, well then there must be an Bug with the new Add-On. As there is no settings page for this Add-On. Just Deactivate. Does anyone know where to go to get to those settings?
Thanks, yes. I have done this.
However, I am not able to get the Add-On to work. My forms are saying that the Score is “disconnected”. I am assuming this is because I have not added the keys in the correct location, but there is nothing guiding me to the correct location besides the global GF ReCaptcha settings page.
The v3 settings are located on the Forms > Settings > reCAPTCHA page.
If you can’t see the settings, that usually indicates you have a role or capability management plugin active, such as Members, and the add-on capabilities are not enabled for your role.
Thanks Richard, This solved my issue with the form not working and the Settings pages. This also addresses the incorrect messaging as now it shows the correct messaging.
I will create a separate Issue for this as these permissions should have been added to “Administrator” by default. There was nothing in the documentation that talks about permissions needed when adding / activating this plugin. Non that I could find anyways.
Added related Issue:
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