Adding and Activating Add-Ons not automatically adding permissions to Administrator Role

I recently added the ReCaptcha Add-on (Version 1.6.0) to get ReCaptcha V3 working. I Added the plugin and Activated it, but it was not showing the proper settings to use the Add-on. Also it was not working and adding “disconnected” to the score value. After some further investigation and help from your support staff, I found out that I needed to add permissions to the Administrator Role to get it to give me the proper settings pages to add my keys. The documentation for this Add-On did not mention anything about this.

Seriously, what gives, why would these permissions not be added to the Administrator Role? This seems like a massive bug or a lack of quality control. Maybe this has something to do with the “Members” plugin that I am using, but that is a very popular plugin and to my knowledge does not restrict other plugins from adding capabilities.
I scanned through the ReCaptcha Add-On and the core GravityForms Plugin code and found many locations where it was requiring the capabilities, but nowhere where it adds the capabilities.
If fact for the ReCaptcha Add-On I could not find any relative “activation” code. Usually you would have a “register_activation_hook” or something. So maybe it is just missing from the Add-On. I checked other Add-ons and did find that they had a “register_activation_hook” where it adds the permissions.

Please update the following:

  1. Permissions required should be automatically added to the “Administrator” role when Activating Add-Ons.

  2. Please update your documentation for each Add-On with something like “If your not seeing the proper settings for this Add-On, it might be related to not having the required permissions for your Role. Please reference this guide to see which permissions are required: Role and Capability Management - Gravity Forms Documentation


This is working as designed, when the Members plugin is active, it is given full control over the capabilities, so we don’t automatically enable them for the administrator role.