I recently added the ReCaptcha Add-on (Version 1.6.0) to get ReCaptcha V3 working. I Added the plugin and Activated it, but it was not showing the proper settings to use the Add-on. Also it was not working and adding “disconnected” to the score value. After some further investigation and help from your support staff, I found out that I needed to add permissions to the Administrator Role to get it to give me the proper settings pages to add my keys. The documentation for this Add-On did not mention anything about this.
Seriously, what gives, why would these permissions not be added to the Administrator Role? This seems like a massive bug or a lack of quality control. Maybe this has something to do with the “Members” plugin that I am using, but that is a very popular plugin and to my knowledge does not restrict other plugins from adding capabilities.
I scanned through the ReCaptcha Add-On and the core GravityForms Plugin code and found many locations where it was requiring the capabilities, but nowhere where it adds the capabilities.
If fact for the ReCaptcha Add-On I could not find any relative “activation” code. Usually you would have a “register_activation_hook” or something. So maybe it is just missing from the Add-On. I checked other Add-ons and did find that they had a “register_activation_hook” where it adds the permissions.
Please update the following:
Permissions required should be automatically added to the “Administrator” role when Activating Add-Ons.
Please update your documentation for each Add-On with something like “If your not seeing the proper settings for this Add-On, it might be related to not having the required permissions for your Role. Please reference this guide to see which permissions are required: Role and Capability Management - Gravity Forms Documentation”