Need ideas about how to execute a multiform solution please

Hello all!

I am not sure how to have one form that populates another and that form populates another in the following way:


  1. User enters order, pays and submits.
  2. They arrive to the order Thank You Page, and Staff receive order details emailed from the order form.


  1. User gets auto-emailed a link to a second form, that has all of their data pre-populated (but we only show them some of those fields so they see enough to know it is their information).
  2. User continues to fill in the new fields on this second form and hits submit.
  3. User arrives to a Thank You page.
  4. Three of the questions answered in that second form will determine which third form (out of 36 forms) will get auto-populated.
  5. Admin staff to be emailed the auto-populated finished form.

Hope you can help!

Kind regards,


Hi Aaron,

This is exactly the kind of use case that we built Gravity Flow and our Form Connector extension to make very easy to implement without requiring code.

If they truly need to be separate forms, the Form Connector has a step type to create a new entry of a different forms plus a step type to update values in other form entries. Alternatively, it may be easier to have all the fields in one form - with most set as ‘Administrative’ for their display setting so they don’t show up on the initial form - and use the User Input step to define which fields should be displayed or editable along the workflow.

Hope that helps.

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