Need help with setting up PayPal in GravityForms

We are moving over to GravityForms and are trying t set the PayPal piece–previously we were using PayPal Express. The setup asks us to go through a few steps, one of which is indicating percentage of ownership of the company. Well, this is a not-for-profit organization and there isn’t an owner.

Is this an issue with PayPal? Or with GravityForms? Either way, please give us some pointers.

Hello @user65580f01a0a0b405 ,
I am afraid GravityForms has no default PayPal checkout option without an addon.

Here you can check this from where you will get an idea of how to use it. :point_down:

We have Gravity Forms’ add-on installed and activated. Our issue relates to the requirement that we need to specify ownership while going through the PayPal setup process. Is Gravity Forms requiring this?

Everything that happens in the modal dialog when attempting to connect the PayPal Checkout Add-On to PayPal is determined by and provided by PayPal. If you have problems with the required information, please contact PayPal for assistance. Thank you.

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