I have a registration form for a tennis club where members can add multiple people.
Can I have all of them register at the same time from one form? using User Registration feeds.
for instance
user 1-name etc
user 2-name, etc
pass to registration feed and
have two new users added?
Hello Wojtek. This is not currently a feature of the User Registration Add-On. However, I am going to leave this open, because there are sometimes ways to accomplish things like this as a customization, with additional code or possibly an add-on.
You should be able to accomplish something like this with Gravity Wiz’s Nested Forms: Gravity Forms Nested Forms | Gravity Forms Repeater Add-on by Gravity Wiz
I don’t know how - need to research it, if you can offer a suggestion, I much appreciate it. Thnx
Absolutely! The Gravity Flow Parent/Child extension lets you combine multiple form submissions into one page experience, and the Gravity Forms User Registration add-on feed can process against each member registered in that way.
I’ve put together a quick video for you that includes the user experience on the front-end as well as how the feed/workflow and parent/child relationships are established between forms. Hopefully it gives you a sense of how well Gravity Flow and its’ extensions could help you solve your project requirements. Apologies for the horrific attempt at spelling with Novak Djokovic in my demo content
Absolutely outstanding! Thanks Jamie,
I will look into this.