Multiple Mailchimp lists using checkboxes?

I was planning to set up a sign-up form which would allow the user to sign up for multiple different mailing lists/audiences at once (they have 5 audiences). I tried setting this up (and used conditional fields for each checkbox per audience), but my test didn’t work - only the bottom checkbox seems to have worked. This link Conditional Audience Subscriptions in Mailchimp - Gravity Forms Documentation is close, but refers to radio buttons which would only allow them to sign up for one list when submitting.

Is this even possible/supported to allow the user to sign for multiple audiences at once, or do we have to just have to require the user to submit the form for each audience/mailing list?

Thanks in advance!

Hi A C. Your visitor can be added to multiple audiences with one form submission. You will need one feed for each audience type in the form, and then conditional logic on each feed to that the visitor is added to the proper audience or multiple audiences when the form is submitted with multiple checkboxes checked. You can follow the article you linked to, for the setup. The only difference is that a single form submission can trigger multiple Mailchimp feeds, based on the checkboxes that were checked. Give it a try, and let us know if you need any help.

I did exactly this (set up 5 separate feeds and set up conditional formatting on each checkbox to each feed accordingly), but it only worked with the last checkbox (only signed up for that one, not the other 4 even though they were selected). I confirmed this when testing the form (only received one email to confirm the double opt-in which was for the final checkbox/list - I also checked in Mailchimp’s audiences to confirm it only went to one). I am using the ANY statement on the conditional field to match the selection.

Are you sure about this? It all appears to be set up properly, but it is only triggering the last Mailchimp list checked instead of all of them.


Hello A C. Can you please export the form and send that to

You can see how to export a form here: Exporting a Form - Gravity Forms Documentation

Please also include screenshots of the Mailchimp feeds you have set up. If you prefer not to send an email, you can open a support ticket for the issue here: Log In ‹ Gravity Forms — WordPress

Thank you.

Hello Chris - I have emailed you a couple of times (Mar 31 and Apr5) but no response. Did you receive the emails?

Hello. I don’t see the emails. Can you please try again and let me know when that is done (so I know when to look)? Try sharing the form and the image(s) on Dropbox or another file-sharing service, rather than attaching them, in case the attachments are being blocked for some reason. Thank you.

I just emailed this over again Chris - let me know if you receive it please!

I have two emails from you this morning. I will take a look in a little while.

Excellent, thanks!

I replied to your email with some next steps. We can continue in the email since I need a system report and logging from you. Thank you.

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