I have 2 forms on 2 different pages, the First one asks for gender and date of birth and the second form on the second page asks for name and email. I wanted to connect these two forms for a single entry, the multi-step form was not a good option because it was two pages with two different content. How should I proceed, please? Any help would be welcome even if it required some coding: js, HTML… Also, I have gravity wiz in case any perks would be helpful.
Hi Pedro. You can pass the data from form one to form two, but when submitting form one, you will still have an entry with the data that was submitted there.
To pass data between forms, please see this method:
Thank you very much but do these resources take into account the fact that any field would be pre-populated:
1st form: gender and date of birth
2nd form: Name and email
Because I’ve checked Easy Passthrough, and It is used when you needed to pre-populate some fields, maybe I’m not too mindful about the full capacity of the perk.