Mapping Fields GF to Pipedrive

Hello there,

We’ve recently implemented Gravity Forms > CRM Perks > Pipedrive on WordPress for a client.

I’m having an issue with double entry surnames, whereby when a user enters data into First Name and Last Name fields on the GF, e.g.:

  • First Name = Ross
  • Last Name = Musgrove Cross

When the data lands in Pipedrive, it has changed to:

  • First Name = Ross Musgrove
  • Last Name = Cross

I’ve got the mapping setup so that:
“Name” (Pipedrive) is a Custom Value pulling “Name (First)” and “Name (Last)” {field_id} from GF

And I’ve tried mapping “First name” (Pipedrive) to “Name (first)” (GF) and “Last name” (Pipedrive) to “Name (last)” (GF) as both “Standard Field” and “Custom Value” - but the issue persists.

Appreciate there are more links n the chain that just GF, so am also picking this up with CRM Perks and Pipedrive, but if anyone’s had similar experience and can offer advice / direction, I’d appreciate it!

Have a good one. Cheers, Ross

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