Populate field with entries from multiple fields?

When using the custom value field, how does one string the merge tags together so that the system displays whichever tag has a value in it?

Example: {gf_entry:gf_field_120} or {gf_entry:gf_field_121} or {gf_entry:gf_field_122}

So the end result needs to display one of those field values (whichever has something in it).

Where are you trying to use those merge tags?

Also, are those the merge tags or just an example of the data you’re trying to retrieve? Those are not Gravity Forms merge tags, so if they are the merge tags you use, which plugin provides them?

Hi Chris,

I’m using the Gravity Wiz Populate Anything add on to pull data from one form to another.


Hello. I recommend contacting Gravity Wiz for support with Populate Anything. I’m certain they can help you straighten it out:


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