Help needed for end-to-end automation for paid personality test

Hello, I’m a new user of Gravity Forms and trying to figure out the best way to achieve our customer journey workflow. We will be selling personality-type tests. I have the Elite license.

Needed Automation Steps

  1. Customer pays for our test, then is granted access to test.
  2. Customer completes test, then results are sent to excel sheet.
  3. Excel sheet calculates results (we already have formulas ready), then sends calculation outcomes to a PDF generator.
  4. Final PDF is emailed to customer.

Ideally we will use excel, but we are also open to Google Sheets. I’ve been trying to compare GravityKit with GravityWiz products, but not sure if there are other options or if I can do what I need without either add-on subscriptions. Any guidance is appreciated!

Hello RJ,

At GravityKit, we have a user with a similar use case (a personality assessment test). They perform all calculations (a sequence of IF conditionals) directly on the GravityView View.

The points were calculated directly in the form using number fields with calculations. In GravityView, they use the [gvlogic] shortcode: Using the [gvlogic] shortcode - GravityKit Support, Knowledge Base, How-To & Docs

You can email customers the results using Gravity PDF. The [gvlogic] shortcode works inside the PDF.

Let me know if you have further questions.

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