Can Gravity Forms do elaborate surveys and PDF exports?


I’m new here and trying to do some research to see if Gravity forms can do a few of these things. It’s almost like a personality quiz that scores you depending on your 1-5 answer (very unlikely to very likely), but has some function requirements that I’m seriously hoping Gravity Forms can do! I’m thinking some conditional logic will be involved too.

I know it’s a bit technical, but that’s why I’ve been banging my head researching on what can achieve something this technical and elaborate. Who knows, maybe it’s easier than I hope?

  • Create a 15-20 question survey
  • The survey is divided into 3 components it is measuring based on the questions.
    — Triggers
    — Barriers
    — Rewards
  • There are subcomponents to each of the questions to that have scoring on them.
    — Visual
    — Script and Environment
    — Location and Time
    — Identity
    *— Psychological state *
    — Social
    — Emotional
    — Knowledge
    — Physical access
    — Time
    — Effort
    — Financial
    — Functional
    — Cognitive
    — Physical
    — Sensory
  • Depending on the answers given, it can weigh those scores and assign you an output answer.
  • Most importantly, at the end, the user will see their scores and results into distinct sections broken out. It would look like this (blurred for confidentiality)
  • They can input their email and have a PDF version of it mailed to them.

I would appreciate any input! I really hope something like this is possible! I swear I’ve seen things like this other places! Thanks in advance!