Forms acting strange after hosting migration

Hi, some years ago my wife added forms to her website, for example for users to enter their bill numbers and attach their bill , or just plain contact forms or request for types of support. For example the bill forms where generated, a confirmation message was sent to the user (outside the organisation), the bill was sent to the accountant mail address (outside the organisation) and to an info at address (inside the organisation) to be handled by service desk. Worked as a charm. Last month, the 24th of January, the hostingprovider did migrate her domain and hosting to vdx hosting. All was transferred, the website is still working. The forms however “act strange” . The confirmation email was sent to the sender and received, the bills where sent to the accountant mail address and received, but the mails to the internal organisation ( info at ) appears to be sent but never arrived.

In Wordpress, in the forms section, the sendings (Inzendingen in Dutch) do not appear for the external users, the forms are however in the wp_content/uploads/gravityforms/4-verylongdirectoryname/2022/01 (and 02).

If I do send in a test bill myself from the same computer as wordpress is managed from the email messages to info at are sent and the sending shows up in the forms page on Wordpress website manager. If I do the same from another computer in the same house it does not show up, I receive the confirmation message, the test bill shows in the accountant mail box but not in the info at email address.

After the migration we switched from smtp php to Outlook SMTP, added the necessary settings and test mails are sent, but only received on email addresses outside the local domain.

the domain name is and the emails to info at do not arrive.

I am about clueless now where to look to get this working again.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


For all notification delivery issues, please start with the troubleshooting documentation here:

Or, if you have a Gravity Forms license, please open a support ticket here:

Be sure you enable logging and include a copy of your system report in the ticket. We will need to have some submissions logged to see what is going on. Thank you.

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