Form submission passed on to Hubspot, but no record in Gravity Forms

Occasionally, I have a gravity forms submission that is passed on to my hubspot account that does not show any record in gravity forms at all.

In my hubspot account, the record shows as having submitted the form, and all of the fields are passed into hubspot without error (all 55 of them).

But there is absolutely NO record of any record in Gravity Forms.

How can this happen?

Thanks for any assistance!


Hi Todd. This is a good question for Gravity Forms support:

When the Gravity Forms HubSpot add-on is activated, HubSpot include a script on the site that will capture all form submissions, even ones not submitted and sent with a Gravity Forms HubSpot feed to HubSpot. It applies to non Gravity Forms forms as well.

I recommend reaching out to support to see if you can figure out what happened with these submissions specifically.

Hi, Todd and Chris,
I saw this thread and had to respond. I am about to turn on the Hubspot-Gravity integration. I am VERY glad to hear that all form data made it unscathed into Hubspot. I guess what I am wondering is…given that all the data made it into Hubspot, does it matter if it is not getting stored by Gravity? Or do you have a specific need for the data to get stored in two places? (Just curious.)
Matthew P. Seltzer
Seltzer Software Services LLC

Hi Matthew. Interesting question. What would create the forms on your site if not Gravity Forms?

I would use Elementor’s Forms widget. At the moment, I can’t recall if this is included in Elementor’s base package or if you have to upgrade to Elementor Pro in order to do this. The reason I chose Gravity is due to its integration with HubSpot and Mailchimp (although HubSpot may make MailChimp redundant). Not sure if Elementor can ‘talk’ to either HubSpot or MailChimp.

Interesting. I have no idea actually. Can you try it and let us know? It would be a weird way to use the Gravity Forms HubSpot Add-On, but I’ve seen weirder :wink: