File upload failure

Hi, i have a case that the form is successfully submitted at frontend, but some image cannot be found at backend.

Step to replicate -

  1. create a form with 2 image field, set both to required field.
  2. upload an image that is not in the correct file format in the first image field (A image), upload an image (B image) that in the correct file format in the second format field.
  3. Submit the form.
  4. It will show error for the incorrect file format.
  5. You update to an image with correct file format, submit again.
  6. It will return success at frontend
  7. at backend, you will only see the data with A image, B image will be lost.

I followed all the steps above using latest Gravity Forms version, 2.6.4, in a default WordPress installation. And it worked without issues for me, both files are stored after submission.

I would recommend you to perform a full conflict test.

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