Fatal error: by installing Mollie add on for Gravity

Is there anyone who knows why I get this error when installing the Mollie Add-on vorr gravity forms. Thanks in advance

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare gf_mollie() (previously declared in /customers/8/6/7/vbk.be/httpd.www/medebeheer-bentillekreek/wp-content/plugins/gf-mollie-by-indigo/gf-mollie-by-indigo.php:67) in /customers/8/6/7/vbk.be/httpd.www/medebeheer-bentillekreek/wp-content/plugins/gravityformsmollie/mollie.php on line 80

Looks like you have another third-party Mollie add-on for Gravity Forms installed on the site that is conflicting with the official add-on based on that error.

Ok Karl, i will look to this third party. and let you now if it works.

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