Conditional logic on populated checkbox field

I have a checkbox list that gets populated dynamically with GW Populate Everything.
Because of this the fields in the checkbox will change based on other factors. I would like to set a condition that displays a Paragraph Text field if not all of the checkboxes have been selected. as soon as all the boxes are ticked the Paragraph Text field hides.

Hi Stefan,

A possible solution that comes to mind will require a bit of a setting up to get it working the way you want but here you go;

  1. Add a Hidden field to the form and set it up to populate the value with the same filter setup as the checkbox field. You’ll set the value template to the {count} merge tag to get the number of choices returned.
  2. Follow this tutorial and use the the snippet on that page, to get the number of checked checkbox choices in a hidden number field.
  3. Add this snippet to your website to add support for field to field conditional logic.
  4. Set up conditional logic on the paragraph field to hide the field, if the value in the hidden field in step 1 above is the same as the value in the hidden number field in step 2. For example, if the label of the hidden field in step 1 is count and the ID of the hidden field in step 2 is 20, the conditional logic will be like so;

I hope this helps.


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