In Section III, if any of those options are checked: yes, then a file upload field is supposed to appear. This worked perfectly well before upgrading to 2.5.1, however now the form is no longer working as it should. Please help
Having a similar issue with radio buttons and conditional logic. Only one of the radio buttons actually conditionally displays a section. The other won’t.
I am also having the same issue with the check boxes - i have the conditional logic set up the same way options so that when one box is checked - one option should appear, and when the other box is checked, the second option should appear. it works for only the second option, and not the first, event though it’s mapped the same way.
I too can confirm this does not work. Radio button yes / no and conditional upload not working.
This will play havoc with legacy customer forms on auto updates for plugins (Yes, it happens).
There a few other oddities that I have noticed these too will cause issues for users. I’m hoping the immediately feedback on these forums will plug up some of these errors. Be prepared for phone calls from clients.
The issue is back, apparently. My radio buttons are definitely set up correctly, I don’t have site caching, I’m on 2.6 and some of the logic isn’t working.
I am using 2.5.6. I have to add the conditional checkbox in a very particular way for it to work. If I don’t do it in the exact order below, then the conditional logic simply does not work.
Create the input field I want to be hidden, but do not activate conditional logic.
Create a yes/no checkbox
Go back to the input field I want to hide and activate conditional logic.
If the new checkbox automatically appears in the configuration of the conditional logic, then the conditional logic will work. If it doesn’t automatically appear, then it won’t. I’m hoping this might help someone else out who is struggling with this.
I came to this after hours of trying to debug the JavaScript on this page. I turned off every single other plugin, changed themes, blocked all other JavaScript files from loading on the page, and nothing worked.
I sincerely hope there will be a fix for this soon, as it has made working with conditional logic difficult.
I am on 2.5.6 and can confirm I have the same issue. First option is not recognised by CF. I however don’t want to delete existing fields and lose the data associated with them.
I am on and I am still experiencing the same issue. Any checkbox or radio field will not show with conditional logic. The markup exists, but the javascript will not remove the “style:display:none;”. The dropdown, text area, and single text fields work properly.
For anyone experiencing an issue with conditional logic in the latest Gravity Forms, please open a support ticket here:
Because each issue is unique, we need to address them individually rather than collectively in the forums. If anyone would like to open a new topic here, that’s OK, but I will close this topic for now. Thank you.