After upgrading to 2.5 new conditional fields don't work [RESOLVED]

Has anyone else had a problem with adding conditional fields on a form that has been upgraded to 2.5? We have several forms, upgraded to 2.5 and now any new field that I add to those forms doesn’t work when conditional statements are enabled (ie I have a checkbox that reveals text fields when checked. The display:none is in the CSS, however when I check the box the display:none doesn’t change even though other fields’ display:none does). Pre-existing conditional statements still work and the fields show dynamically as intended, it’s just new fields.

I tried duplicating the existing form and that didn’t work. Same issue
I also tried creating a new form and adding conditional statements and those statements don’t work either.

Are there any known bugs with this?

Hi Eric. There could be an issue with your specific setup. First, be sure you are using the latest interim builder ( available on your Downloads page:

And if your conditional logic still does not work, please open a support ticket:

Thank you.

Ahh, perfect. It looks like upgrading to the fixed it.

Thanks Chris!

Cool, thank you for the update.