Complex form with multiple steps & payment authorization

Hi - first time poster! I’ve used GF across all the sites I manage - all for fairly straightforward contact forms (name, phone, email, etc.).
I have a request from a prospect (a CPA) who wants to set up the following:
“A brief tax season questionnaire (15 questions) where they would answer the questions and then sign an engagement letter and fill out an automatic payment authorization”
Does anyone have experience with something like this? Is this doable with GF?
Any help is greatly appreciated,

Hi, John.

What you have described is doable with Gravity Forms.

You may need the Legal Signing for Gravity Forms add-on to achieve the’ sign an engagement letter’. Check it out here:

This is a paid add-on created and maintained by CosmicGiant (formerly ForGravity), a third-party developer.

Regarding the automatic payment authorization, you may set up recurring payments with the Gravity Forms Stripe add-on. Check it out here:

You can access the Stripe add-on at no extra cost with a Gravity Forms Pro or Elite license.

Thanks so much for this.

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One thing that can be a gotcha for some use cases is if the time between initial form submission and payment is longer than 7 days, the authorization for most payment providers will have expired, including Stripe.

You might want to look at whether Gravity Flow can help you with separating out the tasks into separate assigned steps.

  • The ‘Answering questions’ could be a User Input step
  • Using conditional logic on steps to compare the submission date to current date could identify whether a Stripe Capture Payment step should occur or a separate payment form/step is required.
  • Maybe in the CPA use case it leads to better conversion rates that the customer doesn’t have to provide CC details until they know the answers are ready for them? You can customize the notifications to perhaps provide 1 free answer and then payment for the rest.
