Admin approval of the user's registration to the course [RESOLVED]


I would like to use gravity forms to let register users to my courses that are made with learndash, but i also need that an admin receive that form and approve the registration so that the user can access the course.
Is that possible, i would like to know it before buying the plug in.


Yes, you can set up your User Registration feed to allow an administrator user in the site approve and activate the users. It’s a setting on the Create User feed. It’s under User Activation in the documentation here:

The User Registration Add-On is available only to Elite license holders.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

A :white_check_mark: solution from @chrishajer - Like chocolate and peanut butter I tell you :slight_smile:

If your use case grows in complexity Kevin, or you find other areas where Gravity Forms ecosystem preferred for LMS integration, the workflow setup which Gravity Flow provides might be one to look at. Perhaps where you want to have a payment happen before/after the approval but preceding the user being registered? All of the Gravity Forms add-ons are supported to have their own step types when plugins active and have conditional logic for whether a step is required that is just as easy as the show/hide conditional field display.


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