I have a form with “Configure Routing” and its doing the “Send To” based on a value of a drop down. But it doesn’t match. As you can see in the screenshot “I am intereste…” must match “Bonnie Lake Resort”, but if you check the form, the label is “Bonnie Lake Resort” and the Value is “BONNIELAKE”. From the logs it shows its trying to match on the VALUE not the LABEL. So it never matches. But I can’t select the VALUE when choosing the “Send To” criteria, it only lists the Label as shown. Why is this happening? How do I get it to match against the VALUE not the LABEL? And why is this a problem all of a sudden???
2019-07-17 15:00:57.490699 - DEBUG --> GFCommon::send_notification(): Evaluating Routing - field value => BONNIELAKE
2019-07-17 15:00:57.490742 - DEBUG --> GFCommon::send_notification(): Evaluating Routing - is value match? No
2019-07-17 15:00:57.490788 - DEBUG --> GFCommon::send_notification(): Evaluating Routing - rule => Array
[fieldId] => 7
[operator] => is
[value] => Bonnie Lake Resort
[email] => kenw232@yahoo.com