Why are the notification emails get clipped (when nothing is clipped)?

For various reasons, I removed { all_fields} from the default notification and manually inserted the fields I need. But the messages I receive suddenly all have “[Message clipped] [View entire message]” at the end. But there isn’t anything else to those messages - clicking on “view entire message” shows no additional content. Why does this happen? What can I do to remove the “[Message clipped]” message?

Check the message for special characters. For example, I believe one of the things Gmail looks for as the trigger for clipping the message is the presence of soft hyphens/dashes, which are usually found before the signature.

Hi there,

There is no special character at the end of the message at all. When I use the default notification – or add a custom message above the default text – the messages won’t have the “clipped” line. It only happens when I replace the default message with a custom message. To be clear, nothing actually gets clipped, but somehow, somewhere, there is an indicator of some sort that signals clipping (see screenshot). What could it be?

This also happens in Gmail when the message length exceeds about 102kb. If this is happening to you with Gmail, have you tried checking the mail with another email client to see if it occurs there too?

Also, try enabling Gravity Forms logging and looking at the message body in the log to see if there is anything strange there.

Do you know what hidden code the default notification email has that a custom message doesn’t? To me, the default message seems to be simply {all_fields}. Nothing gets clipped from my custom message, and yet, something must be have caused the clipping message–even though nothing gets clipped.

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