Hi, I have been using Gravity Forms for some time but don’t really delve deep into the Plugin as it does exactly what I need.
I have recently noticed that I have now got a footer to all the Notification Emails that get sent out which is an ‘unsubscribe’ option. Is this from Gravity Forms? If so can I customize it any way?
Can you send a screenshot or post the source of that HTML from the notification? I don’t believe that is coming from Gravity Forms, as I have never heard of that or seen that before. Share what you can and we’ll figure it out.
Chris, Thanks for the reply. Attached is the screen shot of the ‘end’ of a Notification Email that I get when someone hits our website from this page: https://www.cpinsights.com/shopper-signup/. I also get this on any of the Notification Emails I send form other ‘Gravity Forms’ we use on our website.
Appreciate any thoughts you may have…
I saw the ‘Personal Data’ option within Settings and wondered if this related to what I am seeing…?
I must admit that I only noticed the ‘Unsubscribe’ option on a Notification Email in the past week so I am not sure how long it has been there!
We use Gravity Forms for alot of ways for people to interact within our business and it is a REALLY GOOD Plugin… I love it!
Thanks for any comments you can make… if it isn’t a Gravity Form ‘option’ then I will have to look elsewhere!
That’s not from Gravity Forms. The footer message is from “Customer Perception Insights”. My guess is that the message is coming from them.
What is the target URL of the Unsubscribe link?
Thanks for the Email … I will need to check then with our website guru as my company is called Customer Perception Insights … so must be something on our website! I just wanted to eliminate Gravity Forms from the debug. Richard