Subscription with PayPal Checkout - Vault must be set to true [RESOLVED]

Hi, I am testing a recurring donation form for a client using PayPal Checkout.
I am able to subscribe when I am logged in as a user of the WP site.
However when I tried to checkout via an incognito window (user not logged in to WP site), I am unable to subscribe. Upon inspecting the console, it says Must pass vault=true to sdk to use createSubscription.
Is there any way I can turn vault=true, and still allow users to subscribe without logging in to the website?

Here is my sample form.

Hi Jackie. I have never seen that error message before. Users do not need to be logged in to the site in order to submit a form which is connected to PayPal. It sounds like something else is going on. I recommend opening a support ticket for that issue here:

If you don’t have a Gravity Forms license yet, please submit the contact form here (no license or login required): General Support - Gravity Forms

Mention this topic and mention my name (Chris Hajer) and I’ll pick it up. Thank you.

Hello Chris,
I sent it to General Support, mentioning only your first name. It’s got the same title as this thread. Hope you can find it. Thank you! :slight_smile:

Here’s an update.
I received a reply on my ticket from Andrea, saying that Chris is right. Users should not need to log in to subscribe via PayPal. And I am encountering this problem because I am running on a demo licence.

In that case, I’ll try to test it on a paid licence soon.

Thanks for all the prompt replies!

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