So Many Stylesheets Loaded in 2.7

I’ve noticed in 2.7 that the plugin now loads many stylesheets that are unnecessary. I’m counting 8 stylesheets on a basic form and they are 361kB gzipped. I can’t dequeue the ie11 stylesheet because the theme.min.css stylesheet depends on it. I don’t want to support ie11 and I don’t want this stylesheet in there. Additionally, there are multiple theme CSS stylesheets being loaded (foundation, framework, orbital), and I don’t think I’m using any of them? This whole new way of styling things is far from optimized and needs to have a way to only enqueue stylesheets that we actually need.


Hey Mike,

Read this post. Gravity Forms Developers plan to address the issue very soon. Sooner than later, we hope.

Meanwhile, you can dequeue unnecessary assets (i.e., CSS and JS files) using Perfmatters, via PHP script (i.e., code snippet), or other equivalent plugin.

Yep, it’s very frustrating. We were shocked by this change/bloat as well.



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