"Required" Rule is Missing | Accessibility Errors | GF Advanced Field "CAPTCHA"

Good Day,

Today, we learned that Gravity Forms’ Advanced Field, CAPTCHA, does not offer an option (i.e., General Rule) to make this field required when assigning a label to it. Most other elements do offer this option.

For example, the Gravity Forms’ Advanced Field, Consent, does offer it as noted here: Screenshot by Lightshot

On the other hand, Gravity Forms’ Advanced Field, CAPTCHA, does not as noted here: Screenshot by Lightshot

Also, when we omit the field label for CAPTCHA from our Gravity Form, the Developer Console displays the following Accessiblity Error and Message:

Incorrect use of <label for=FORM_ELEMENT>


No label associated with a form field

Details: Screenshot by Lightshot

The issue occurs with all browsers. The console error and message are most noticeable, however, with Google Chrome and MS Edge.

Based on the above, it would be great if the developers of Gravity Forms can look into this and provide a fix at the next convenient revision of Gravity Forms (e.g., GF Version 2.7.9?)

If there’s something we overlooked or missed an existing solution, please let us know :slight_smile:

Thank you,


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