I’ve setup forms for a visitor log. Have lots of people who submit an entry everyday (others only 1-off). Hoping to improve its ability to remember past information entered when a device is used multiple times. seems iPhones are natively picking up and giving prompts for previous text entered. Any way to make this more cross device compatible (hoping to use cookies, no ‘sign in’ as need it to be easy for 1-time visitors as well as repeat submissions…
@David is there anything I need to edit in the code to make it work for my site? Doesn’t seem to be working out-of-the-box (particularly trying to make this work on mobile devices)
Ah, I took a closer look at the version of the code and unfortunately, it won’t work quite as well for your needs as I was thinking. We have a newer version available as an early-access plugin version of this (GP Cookies) that is available to our Gravity Perks customers. It provides a UI in the field setting to save to and populate form a given cookie:
With that said, if you’re going to sign up for Gravity Perks, I’d love to work with you on getting our much more powerful Gravity Forms Easy Passthrough setup to handle this need for you.
It’s an early access Perk which is only available to our customers on request. So if you have an active Gravity Perks License, you can get in touch with us via our support form with your account email address and make the request.