Radio button problem

Every radio button the user select have useful options to chose from, the problem is if the user chose another radio option it will remove the saved picks he made in another one I know this is the purpose of the radio button but is there a way to save the selected options inside of it? I did this method to make it look good and save space, checkboxes are taking too much space, please check the following video


When the user picks for example “Change delivery speed” button and picks inside it “Really slow” option if he switched to another radio button the option he picked “Really Slow” will reset to the default and will not be saved for the final process, how I can save all the details the user picked for all radio buttons?

If you use conditional logic to hide those radio button fields, the values will be lost by default. A field hidden by conditional logic will not be included in the submission. I recommend finding a different way to approach this issue.

Do you recommend using java script for this?

I have been reading about gform rendering and populated dynamical option and I wonder if they can solve this issue?

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