Problem In Gravity Forms Version

I have a problem with version of Gravity Forms. The WordPress I have installed is version 5.7.2, and when I click on the phrase confirmation or notifications in a form, I get the following error:

The link you followed has expired

What is the solution to this problem?

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Hello. I recommend first logging out of your dashboard, closing your browser and clearing the browser cache, then logging in to your website dashboard again, and testing the links to the notification and confirmation. The issue is most likely related to the authentication cookies or nonce. Logging out and back in after restarting the browser should resolve the issue. If not, please open a support ticket here:

Hi! Got the same problem when trying to save a confirmation or notification.

Seems like it’s nonce related, since it’s not passed in the post request. Commenting this line in gravityforms\includes\settings\class-settings.php makes the error disappear (of course this should never be done in production):

// Verify nonce.
check_admin_referer( 'gform_settings_save', 'gform_settings_save_nonce' );

I already tried the cache solution above with every browser, still no luck.

Thank you!

Hi Jose. It sounds like the nonce is being cached on the server side if you continue to have problems with this.