Printing entries with wp-cli (gravityformscli)

I want to export and import entries from a migrated site, but only get errors when I try. The site has 29 forms, and so far non of the forms I have tried to get entries from has given me other than an error refering to different fields in error. No errors in admin gui.

Heres is one:
# wp gf form field list 7
| id | type | label |
| 1 | name | Navn |
| 2 | phone | Telefon |
| 3 | email | E-post |
| 6 | textarea | Hva gjelder henvendelsen? |

wp gf entry list 7
Error: Invalid field: 1.3:.
wp gf entry list 42
Error: Invalid field: 25:.

gravityformscli 1.1
gravityforms 2.4.10