I am trying to get a Lightbox button to pop up when a person clicks ‘FREE TRIAL’ but I can’t seem to make It work. Any advice?
Hi Hannah. Have you checked the documentation for the lightbox solution you are using to see what triggers are supported? If it’s Popup Maker they have extensive documentation here:
If you’re using something else and can’t find the documentation, please let us know.
Hello - I have tried pretty much everything in here - I can’t seem to make it actually work. https://roar.com.au/reformerpilates-5for50/
I am trying to make the ‘free trial’ button in the middle of the banner, however when I place the #pum-1783 code into the url on the backend it doesn’t work.
Do I need additional code to make this work?
Hi Hannah. Have you checked with Popup Maker support already?
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