Form that Opens on Hover

I saw a form for an optin that I want to emulate and I’m not sure if I can do it with GF alone, or if I need a plugin or some additional coding to accomplish it. If it’s some CSS, I’m fine. If I’d need some JavaScript then I’ll have to forego this idea for now. :slight_smile:

The form I am trying to emulate has the offer in a text module and when the text module is hovered over the form expands / slides out below the offer and stays open until the page is closed.

If anyone can assist I’d appreciate it. If it helps at all, the theme / builder I use is Divi. Right now, the other website has their offer in a sidebar module.

Hi Pam,
I interested to help you in opening the form on hover.
Please connect further, If still searching.


I’m not interested in getting someone else to do it. I’m posting in the community because it’s a supportive forum to help each other. Thank you, though.

Hi Pam, :wave:

Hope you’re doing great.

Could you please share your exact webpage URL so I can further investigate to resolve the issue? :smile:

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