Populate a hidden field based on a dropdown selection

Hi, I am creating a list of Agents in the financial services industry. I have about 80 agents on the dropdown list. What I am trying to do is create 1 notification and based on which dropdown is selected, using a shortcode in the notification “Send to email” option such as {agent email} without having to create 80 separate notifications using conditional logic on each one to deduce which email goes with which agent.

I have tried all sorts of things that just wouldn’t work, such adding the “show values” and using the email as the value. Not exactly sure if I had the shortcode correct, or if that just doesn’t work.

Would there be a way to select the agent’s name from the dropdown on the form and then assign a value to it with the email address that could be used in a shortcode for the notification email address?

Hi Lucas. It sounds like you are describing the Routing feature of Notifications:

Is there a reason you cannot use that?

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