I have a staff page and I want to create a contact form that would be the same for each staff person, but pass in their individual contact info. So the notification would dynamically go to the person that was clicked on the staff page. Is that possible?
Hey Rachel,
Yes, that’s possible, but you’ll have to manually set the email routing. First, add a hidden field in your form and select Embed Post/Page Title or Embed URL.
Now go back to the Notification Settings, and for Admin notifications, choose “Configure Routing”, and enter the email address that should receive the email if the “Post/Page Title or URL” contains the keyword “john-doe” (example). Repeat this process for all available staff members.
You can also look at the following articles for more details.
Give it a try, and let me know how that goes!
Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for!
You’re welcome, Rachel.