I have been reading all about the Nested Forms Repeater field, but I can’t figure out how to program it into my form. Does anyone know how to do this? I can send an example form to someone that thinks they can help me. TIA
Hi, Patty.
There are two ways you can create a repeater field in your form:
GP Nested Forms add-on by Gravity Wiz. Check here the add-on’s documentation and live demo: https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gravity-forms-nested-forms/.
Gravity Forms Repeater Field API (BETA). This is a built-in option in the Gravity Forms core plugin, but it requires custom development. Check here the documentation: https://docs.gravityforms.com/repeater-fields/.
How to I download/purchase this?
Is Gravity Wiz a separate company and do I need to join/purchase it?
Hi, Patty.
That’s correct, Gravity Wiz is a separate company. They are third-party Certified Gravity Forms Partners. Please see here for more information: https://www.gravityforms.com/certified-developers-and-add-ons/.
You can purchase the GP Nested Forms add-on from the Gravity Wiz website: https://gravitywiz.com/.
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