Paypal Checkout and Conditional Logic


I have a form that is using Paypal Checkout. I have several questions on the form that gather information before allowing the customer to pay, so I don’t want the Paypal Checkout fields to be visible until certain conditions are met.

I am able to apply the conditional logic to the Paypal Checkout fields (product, coupon, total and payment method). When all of the conditions are met, all of the Paypal Checkout fields appear as they should EXCEPT the payment method field. It remains hidden. I have double checked the conditional logic to be sure the conditions on that field are correct. Is there something special I need to do to apply conditional logic to these fields? I can’t figure out what I’m missing here.

Thank you! Any suggestions are appreciated!

In case anyone else has this issue, I found a solution that works well and actually looks better on the form.

Rather than applying the conditional logic to the PayPal fields, I applied it to the submit button and removed the PayPal fields from the form. Once all the conditions are met, the PAY NOW / SUBMIT button is revealed. Clicking that button takes the user to a second form with only the PayPal fields. If the conditions are not met, the button is not revealed and the user does not get to the payment screen. Hope this helps someone. =)

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