PayPal button does not show - JS error [RESOLVED]


I have a gravity form with PayPal button addon. It was working fine for a few days, and then suddenly, out of the blue, it no longer displays, and the console throws a JR error:

paypal is not defined

The error references: frontend.min.js.

This means that the PayPal checkout button is not invoked when the page loads - so no-one can complete an order.

I am not really sure what to troubleshoot here. I am not using any caching plugins, and the issue is there on all browsers.


PayPal has made a breaking change at their end, which can prevent the PayPal field/buttons from rendering.

Our product team are working with PayPal to determine how best to resolve this issue. If it is determined it requires changes to the add-on, we will release an update as soon as possible.

In the meantime, some users have been able to resolve the issue by reducing the number of funding sources they support using the following code snippet: Enable all funding sources per PayPal's Checkout documentation - Droplr

The code can be added to the theme functions.php file or a code snippets plugin.