Online payment is not working for a number of our users particularly government/agency users

Help! Online payment is not working for a number of our users particularly government/agency users. So there seems to be a firewall issue. This happened maybe a couple times last year but now is not working for a lot of users. They can submit forms with no payment but can’t submit forms with payment. We have cloudflare captcha set but have tried a number of captcha’s. Is it no longer possible to use gravity forms as our payment platform and we have to go to a true platform (woo commerce or something??) or are there security settings we can change to make it work for everyone and not get stopped by so many people’s firewalls? We changed our server and website in February and have had problems ever since. Our new WP theme is Avada and don’t know if there could be a theme conflict? Do we need to update gravity forms in our Stripe account? Our gravity forms access is through our host so we don’t have our own account to do this. Of course we updated our stripe feeds but I’m wondering about the app itself in the security settings which doesn’t have an update like our other stripe apps that we do hold the account to. Thank you for any help!!

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